True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Saturday, February 17, 2018

To Spank Or Not To Spank...Is It A Question?

To spank or not spank, there are so many different opinions on the subject. What is the proper discipline for my child? If I spank them, how much is to much? If I don't spank them will they grow up and be unruly? If I do spank, will they grow up with resentment? So what's the right way to discipline? Honestly, I don't know.

What I do know is to be the smile of God to our children, this is our fundamental calling as parents. Jesus corrected with love. But God also corrected with punishment. Children have to have an understanding of boundaries. A simple "tippy tap", might not get the point across. It may convey the idea that if they do something wrong again, then the punishment will be mild and forgetful.

I can honestly only remember being spanked once. I believe I was about six or seven. Don't remember what for but I seemed to turn out just fine. In contrast my wife got the end of a switch a few times. But yet, she turned out fine as well. So what would be the advice on discipline? It will all come down to your own child, and what works best for them. Some children require a switch to get the point across. Others may only need restrictions of something for them to understand what they did was wrong.

Society has made us afraid to discipline our children, especially when the children are difficult. Fear of the child telling someone they were abused because they are upset with punishment. But the only thing that fear has brought is even more unruly children. Children have lost the moral capacity for what's right and wrong. This is why there's such a rise in these horrific shootings in schools. Evil has been able to spread with an unfettered rapid pace. From the movies, television, games, and music that glorify this behavior in all its forms. All while the parents have done little to nothing to prevent the kids from consuming this darkness.

Parents if you want these children to change, it doesn't start with the schools, or government, or someone else it starts with us.    Proverbs 3:12 For the LORD reproves him whom he loves, As a father the son in whom he delights. Our Heavenly Father disciplines those he loves, just as a Father should discipline the child he loves. Discipline, no matter how painful, is a showing of love to our children. It may not seem like it to them at the moment, but it gives them a foundation in morality.

Colossians 3:21 Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged.  What does Paul mean by “provoke?” In this sense “provoke” means to challenge, or to irritate. An example would be the so-called “helicopter mom,” who “hovers” over her kids at all times. Another example would be the father who is never satisfied with his son’s performance in school, sports, work, etc.
This verse cannot be taken too seriously. When Paul says, “discouraged,” he literally means “to lose heart.” Training children is important—but needs to be done in a way that does not cause them to lose heart. It's hard to repair a broken child. And once they are broken, the cracks will begin to let all matters of darkness seep in.

Always remember, as it says in Psalms 127:3-Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD,
The fruit of the womb a reward. Children are not a burden, they are a reward. Why would a reward take a lifetime of hard work? Because, anything in life that is of great worth, takes work.

May You Be Blessed with Peace and Understanding.