True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Friday, February 16, 2018

Parenting Takes Supernatural Strength

Do you ever feel helpless? Do you feel anger from this helplessness? I often get angry when my kids get sick. Not because they got sick,( even though it’s probably from them not washing their hands or keeping their hands away from their face). My anger stems from my feeling of being helpless. I want so badly to just speak a word and they would be healthy. What I have to remember is, that feeling is not helplessness, but my own lack of control. I don’t have control of their ability to heal and it infuriates me. So I have to step back and just say, “Lord I have no control. Not only in my ability to heal my children, but also in my emotions. Please take control of this and handle it.”

Just like so many other areas of our life, our main problem is the desire to not give up control. We don’t like the idea of someone else making the decisions about our life. This is the stumbling block for most people who don’t believe in God. It’s not so much their inability to believe in something, it’s their subconscious desire to not release control. Parenting takes a huge leap of faith. If we try to go at it alone, we will shortly be consumed. I have profound respect for single parents. I can’t even begin to imagine the struggles of trying to raise a child alone. I barely get through the day, even though I have a spouse I can depend on.

There is a old saying, “It takes a village to raise a child.” I feel it takes more than a village to raise a child. It takes a supernatural strength. The strength that can only be found in our Messiah. Psalms 138:3 On the day I cried out, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased. If we cry out to Him, He will strengthen our soul. I don’t know about you, but my need to cry out is a daily occurrence. Psalm 46:1 God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. He will be right next to you in your times of trouble, and give you the strength to carry on.

The Great King on whom all creatures depend, opposes the proud, those who rely on their own ability(control) to work out their destiny. The humble, the poor and needy, those who acknowledge their dependence on Him in all things; these are the ones in whom He delights. God wants us to depend on Him. He wants us to cry out to Him for strength. With all the love of a caring parent, He provides all that we need through Him. Philippians 4:13 "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me." This often difficult, overpowering, frustrating, but joyful journey we call parenting takes a supernatural strength.

We couldn’t ask for a better example of parenting in love, than from the One who has an eternity of practice in displaying grace. Being a parent is a life-long commitment. Even long after they have left the nest, and had children of their own, we still will be called upon. We must teach His word to our children, as it says in Deuteronomy 6:7: Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. God instructs us to raise them in the word. Not just on Sunday and Wednesday, but all day. When we are at home, if we're driving down the road, when they go to bed at night, and when they wake in the morning.

I understand our hectic lives prevent us from having much time. I know in my own personal life and the life of my family, there are many areas where time can be made if we shed some extra activities. If they are taught the word daily will that ensure they won't stray? Unfortunately not. With the evils in this world surrounding them as they grow, they are bound to fall. But if they have a strong foundation in God, they will be better prepared to face the problems that will come. We need His strength daily to make it through life. Don't we owe it to our children to teach them to depend on Christ's strength? The greatest thing we can do as a parent is to raise our children to pattern Christ.

What a glorious world it would be if everyone would show the love of Christ to all those around them. It's a glorious thought, but as long as we are on this broken sinful world, it will remain a dream. This is why being a parent is the toughest job in the world, and can only be achieved with His supernatural strength.