True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Saturday, February 10, 2018

Sermon on the Mounting Pressure of The Self-Gratification Gospel & The Ingratitude of The Fake Beatitudes

Blessed are those who are poor for absolutely nothing, for theirs is the Kingdom of Amazon and the domain of next day delivery.

Blessed are those who mourn for more, for they shall be comforted with a comfortable life that calmly and consistently boils their souls right dry.

Blessed are those who put themselves first, striving to be great instead of ever being second to anyone, because what really matters is to be great for this vaporous nano-second, even if that means being dead-last for all eternity.

Blessed are those who keep up with the Jones’ instead of keeping company with Jesus, for theirs is a life of climbing ladders instead of going lower, to the least and the lonely and the lost.

Blessed are those who focus on upward mobility — for theirs is an eternity of futility.
Blessed are those who are meek only at being meek, for it’s the powerful who punch back, the offended who attack, and all who hate to lack any digital thing, who will inherit the soul-wounding ways of this dog-eat-dog world.

Blessed who are those who thirst for more gourmet coffee and hunger for greater accolades, audiences, applauses, greater garages, closets, and wallets, for they shall be filled with a toxic discontent that scalds the inside of their only soul.

Blessed are those who live with pure but subtle greed, for they shall see their god in things and not in faces of those in need who God made.

Blessed are those who are never persecuted for being counter-cultural, who never give until it’s a sacrifice, who never risk for the Gospel’s sake, for theirs is the message of fake good news, and the relief of no-suffering lives.

The Gratitude Attitude of the Genuine Beatitudes:

Blessed are us who miss the road to riches. For less stuff, lets more of the only Savior save us.

Blessed are us who deny ourselves of some wanted things, so those in need can have direly needed things. For when we refuse to deny someone in need, Jesus refuses to ever deny us in our need.

Blessed are us who are grateful with less. For there is no other shape of greatness. 

Blessed are us who never stop loving giving, and when we don’t love giving, we don’t get to be Christ-like. For God so loved the world, He gave, and it’s the Givers who get to takeover the world with love.

Blessed are us who thirst with those who are parched for a glass of clean water and who hunger with those who crave crumbs from our brushed off tables, for our God is Emmanuel, God with us, and withness breaks brokenness, and being with the broken in the world begins to break the brokenness of the world.

Blessed are us who express our inexpressible gratitude to God by giving to those made in the image of God. For when we are mostly about protecting what we have — we have less God, and mostly have a god made in our image. 

Blessed are us who prioritize other people over our problems. For ours is the passion of the Christ.

When we give, those in need give thanks, and God gets glory, and giving begets glory, and we could make this the glorious story of the world. Giving begets gratitude and gratitude begets glory and when we give we are most like God who so loved that He gave His only begotten Son. 

Love lives given. 

Excerpts from Ann VosKamp's Blog