True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Prayer: Our Battle Plan

Throughout history there are untold stories of a father passing along wisdom to his son. One of those conversations I'm sure revolved around how to fight your battles. "If you fall get back up", "Never back down", and "Only the strong survive". But one thing most of us are not taught is your battles are not won that way. They aren't won with conflict. The only sure way to fight a battle and win is "on your knees".

"Prayer is a weapon, a mighty weapon in a terrible conflict. Our prayers are to be a continual, conscious, earnest effort of battle, against whatever is not God's will. (Peter Forsyth)
We fight a battle everyday. We are surrounded by dark forces that are seen and unseen. Temptations are so plentiful, that only those who have prepared for the battle will be able to prevail. Prayer is a weapon that does not rust in time, nor does it carry a heart of hate and destruction. Prayer has the ability to be an atomic bomb and at the same time a warm embrace. It completely destroys the enemy while showing the Father's Love.

R.A.Torrey was an evangelist in Chicago and joined Dwight Moody in starting The Moody Bible Institute. Torrey said: "The reason why many fail in battle is because they wait until the hour of battle. The reason why others succeed is because they have gained their victory on their knees long before the battle came. Anticipate your battles; fight them on your knees before temptation comes, and you will always have victory.

This is true not only in our prayer life but also just in everyday life. How often do we let a problem fester for too long before we decide to get help for it? Again we feel as though we can solve all our problems and we don't need to relinquish control to someone else. We will tell our children to prepare for a test, we will prepare for a big project at work, or prepare and do untold amounts of research on our favorite hobby before making a purchase, but we don't even think to prepare for the spiritual battle we face everyday when we walk out the door. I can't stress enough how real and important this battle is. Ephesians 6:12 For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the cosmic powers over this present darkness, against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly places.

We battle forces everyday we can't even begin to comprehend. Only with a daily connection on our knees with God, can we defeat these forces. When God's Warriors go down on their knees, the battle is not over. It has just begun!

Dear Heavenly Father, we are weary from battle. Our daily fight against temptations are more than we can bare. But we know if we put the full armor of faith on, you are standing next to us in battle.  Thank you for teaching me that the enemy fights the hardest when my breakthrough and answer is about to show up in our lives. Father, through it all: every battle, every struggle, every storm, you were always with us, right by our side. Lord each time the rain poured, you said the battle is already won and we will overcome. Resting assured, relying on Your Word, and placing my uttermost faith in you, we will emerge victorious each and every time. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.