True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Facebook Or Prayerbook?

With the creation of social media came a whole new way to get information to more people than ever before. It has become a way to keep in touch with a multitude of people spread over vast distances. It has been a way to share life's stories and life's problems. But as we fill the vast internet with our problems and complaints, have we ever stopped to think about one simple question?

Have you prayed about it as much as you've talked about it? We tend to easily forget what Jesus said in Matthew 21:22: "And whatever you ask in prayer, you will receive, if you have faith.” Now I'm not talking about praying for that huge house, or the new Mercedes, or winning the lottery. That's not what our Messiah is saying. Whatever your needs are, if asked in faith, will be received. Just that simple. By simply coming to Him in prayer through faith, He will answer us and help. Yet for some reason we forget about our avenue of communication with God, and instead communicate our problems with the world.

Not sure about everyone else, but any problem I ever posted on social media is still waiting on a solution. I like to compare God watching us post our complaints and waiting for us to come to Him, as the same as me waiting for the wall to respond and do what I say before my toddler does. It's pointless. Yet He shows a much more profound grace to us than I do to my toddler. I saw a quote that said, "Talking about our problems is our greatest addiction. Break the habit. Talk about your joys." Just as we've become addicted to sharing our problems with others and with God, we often forget to talk about and thank Him for the joys in our life.

We must remember, prayer is the most important conversation of our day. We should take it to God before we take it to anyone else. I can understand how tough things can get, even the small stuff. One thing after the next piled up yesterday and I just lost it. I was guilty of this because I texted my wife about all the issues first before I took them to Him. Once I did, things didn't completely change, but I was able to handle them much better. He doesn't always promise to remove us from our struggles and problems. However He does promise to change the way we look at them. Psalm 120:1- I took my troubles to the Lord; I cried out to Him, and He answered my prayer.

Prayer isn't to remind God of what our problems are, but to remind our problems who God is. Because those who give everything into God's Hand, will eventually see God's Hand in everything.
When we worry and take all our issues to the masses, we begin to believe more in our problems, than in God's promises.

Dear Heavenly Father, so many are worried about their situations, and see no way out. Help us realize we don't have to see the answer. We need to trust you to work it out in your way and in your time. Father, we can't thank you enough for taking our past problems and turning them into blessings. Help us to bask in your joy and release all fear and doubt. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.