True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Wednesday, March 7, 2018

Who Is God?

What is God like? Is He the big man upstairs? Is He a vindictive judge waiting for us to do something wrong so He can zap us? Did He create everything then just run away and forget about us? Or is He just what you want Him to be when you want it? Can we really know Him?

It would be impossible to know God unless He revealed Himself to us. And He has. He has revealed Himself and His power in the creation of all things. He has also personally revealed Himself through His word. Then in special revelation, He sent Christ to show us visibly His love for mankind.

There is only one God. This is what is called monotheism. It is the belief in one God. But the Bible says that a man Jesus Christ claimed to be God. And He said that someone else would come called the Holy Spirit, who was also God. So how could this be? This is why Christians believe in the Trinity, or Triunity. Now the word Trinity is not found in the bible, but the concept is clearly there. Just as God is three persons in one, we are created in His image and so are we. We are body, mind, and soul. Three entities in one. God the Father(mind), God the Son(body/word), and God the Spirit(soul). We can see an example of this in Matthew 3:16-17 where Jesus is baptized, the Father speaks from heaven, and the Spirit descends as a dove. All three present.

It’s important to understand this from the beginning, because whatever is true of God the Father is true of Jesus Christ the Son and is true of the Holy Spirit. We mustn’t assign lesser positions or attributes to the members of the Godhead. Even though there is order in the Trinity: the Son submits to the Father and the Spirit submits to the Son and the Father, they each are co-equally, co-eternally God. However, the New Testament reveals that they have different functions. The Father is presented as electing, loving and bestowing. The Son is presented as suffering, redeeming and upholding the universe. The Holy Spirit is presented as regenerating, indwelling, baptizing, energizing, and sanctifying. There’s communion, love and companionship within the Godhead. God is not lonely so that He created man for companionship. God is totally independent of His creation. Any relationship we can have with Him is initiated by Him.

What are the attributes of God? God is Spirit(John 4:24), God is Light(1 John 1:5), God is Love(1 John 4:8), God is Holy, Peter said to Jesus, “We believe and know that you are the Holy One of God” (John 6:69). God is All Knowing(Psalm 147:4-5), God is All Powerful(Matthew 19:26), God is Omnipresent(Psalm 139:7-10). His constant presence is our help and protection. God is Infinite and Eternal(Psalm 90:2), God is Immutable(James 1:7), God is Sovereign(Isaiah 46:9-10), and God is Good(Psalm 100:5). His sovereignty and his goodness give us hope and comfort. These are awesome characteristics. We are unable to grasp them with our finite minds. That’s why we must simply believe what the Scripture tells us about God without demanding that we fully understand. If we really could understand God He would be too small.

It’s interesting to note that when God revealed His glory to Moses He spoke of attributes that could surprise us. Exodus 34:6-7 And he passed in front of Moses, proclaiming, “The Lord, the Lord, the compassionate and gracious God, slow to anger, abounding in love and faithfulness, maintaining love to thousands, and forgiving wickedness, rebellion and sin. Yet he does not leave the guilty unpunished; he punishes the children and their children for the sin of the parents to the third and fourth generation.” 

We don’t expect to hear that from a transcendent God, the One who is lifted high above the heavens. Heathens never conceive of their idols’ being this way: loving, compassionate, gracious, slow to anger, forgiving. But that’s our God--a God of unlimited grace. However, He is also a just Judge, who will punish the guilty who do not repent and accept His forgiveness. We must be balanced in our concept of God. What response should we have to a God like this? Psalm 103 tells us what to do.

This can be our only response to a loving God that created all. A God that sacrificed Himself so that none of us would perish. A loving Father with attributes we can only slightly fathom to try and patent in our lives. This is God. This is why we worship and love Him.