True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Unlikely Heroes: Up Against The World

Can you begin to imagine that you are called to do something, and everyone in your small sphere of existence was against it? Now imagine that same scenario but change it to the entire known world. This is the story of Noah. Noah was called to do something so grand in proportions, for something that was unseen and yet to come.

Hebrews 11:1 - Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see.
Faith is Not based on what WE want, but on What God Wants. There is a whole movement today that says IF you have enough faith, that you’ll be able to ask for whatever you want. I’ve actually heard preachers on television say that if you BELIEVE that God would give you a better house, and nicer car, and more fashionable clothing. Faith is based on what God wants and wanting that for ourselves.
What Hebrews says is that FAITH is confident obedience to God’s Word. in spite of our circumstances and consequences. It may not look possible, but God is able.

ALMOST every time God calls you to step out in faith, it’s going to go against YOUR plans. It’s Going to go against YOUR Logic. It’s going to go against YOUR timing. But Faith is saying, "God, even though I don’t fully understand it, I’m going to trust that you know what you’re doing."What do we know about Noah…Noah’s Ark. It’s one of the favorite children’s stories but the REAL story goes so much deeper.

In Genesis 6:8-9, we get a picture of the man that Noah was. He found favor in the eyes of the Lord. Basically, God had decided to destroy the earth and everything in it because of the wickedness of the people. God grieved over the heart condition of the people he had created. But there was one who was different. Noah made God smile. He was literally the only one on earth in his generation that was living a Godly life. Noah was a righteous man. Righteousness means that Noah had a pure heart before God. It means that his heart was in tune with the heart of God There is nothing you can do to make yourself righteous. You can’t do it by going to church or reading the Bible, or helping the poor. You and I have no righteousness of our own. Righteousness is not something you can earn. Righteousness is God’s, and the only way to receive righteousness is to give ourselves to him completely.

 I think as churches we tend to separate ourselves from the world to the degree that we isolate ourselves from ever making a difference.(1 Peter 2:12) Here is what I believe is God’s vision for the Church. He wants us to be “in the world not of the world” (John 17). Our priority is to cross circles. To create opportunities for the church circles and the community circles to meet and work together.
 And Hear this! The lives of God’s people can show others what God is really like. People think that God is arrogant, condemning, and judgmental, because that is the picture the church often portrays.
We need to be IN THE WORLD because the world needs to know that God is a God of love, and grace, and compassion.

God warned Noah of the impending flood. Noah heard God and listened. People of faith can discern what God is telling them, while others are not able to see.(1 Corinthians 2:14) This is why that even though Noah had never see a flood, he had faith in what God said and built the Ark. Can you imagine the ridicule he must of endured building this giant boat on dry land.  If you decide to live your life for Christ, there will be times when you feel like you are the only one who cares anything about God and his purpose in the world. There will be times when you will need to stand up against a crowd that would like nothing more than for you to be quiet and fail. But that’s the nature of God’s faithful people. The entire book of Acts is about people who fearlessly obeyed God and stood up to severe persecution because of it.

I don’t know what God has called you to. I don’t know what kind of task he has put before you, but know this, You can’t do it alone. God’s got an Ark he wants you to build, and he’s committed to guiding you through the entire process. He’s got a purpose he wants to accomplish through you, but it takes submitting yourself 100% to Him, Listening when he speaks, and Obeying His will. God is calling you today to make that first step. There is a question that I read that is a powerful measuring stick of where you are in Christ. If it became illegal to be a Christian in this country, and you were accused of that crime, would there be enough evidence to convict you?