True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Monday, March 26, 2018

What Are We Marching For?

Sitting here watching The March for our Lives protest, and I feel overwhelmed with a desire to speak.
What are we marching for? Does anyone really know? You want safety in our schools. I'm with you there. You want guns to not be allowed in school. Well they already aren't and that did not stop any of these people from committing these atrocities. Then we have the other side fighting for their rights to have weapons. I understand where this side is coming from. But out of all the weapons available to you, is one that resembles and fires like an assault rifle necessary? I understand your worries of this being a slippery slope to the rest of your weapons being taken away.

But what are we marching for? Every person that commits an atrocity has deep issues in their life. People need help. People need guidance. Nothing you march for will change the soul of an individual.  Thousands of people march for their right for an abortion. Do any of them stop to think that they were born? Their mothers gave birth to them so they could grow up and decide to deny what they call a right to those that are unborn. Once people realize that we are all hypocrites and lost and in need of salvation, society may make a turn. Unfortunately I don't see this happening in this life. The daily stream of hate and blindness brings great heartache to me.

And that's truly the best way to explain it: Blindness. People are blinded to all their surroundings. Blinded to what's right and wrong. Blinded to the value of their lives and those around them. Blinded to those that are hurting. Blinded to everything that doesn't include their momentarily existence. I'm sorry for being so blunt, but I'm not sorry. Someone needs to say it. It's not a gun issues, or a safety issue, or a life issue, or any other reason. It is absolutely a heart issue. Now yes I will say that the mental illness is a huge contributing factor. But where does the resolve in that issue stem from? A lack of heart. A lack of care, and a lack of love toward our fellow man. Why is there not a march for that? Because it doesn't create controversy!

No matter what the march is for, it's designed to create controversy. One side is always pitted against the other. No common ground is given for resolve, only issues to escalate the hate. Romans 12:9-16 “Love must be sincere. Hate what is evil; cling to what is good. Be devoted to one another in love. Honor one another above yourselves. Never be lacking in zeal, but keep your spiritual fervor, serving the Lord. Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. Practice hospitality. Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse. Rejoice with those who rejoice; mourn with those who mourn. Live in harmony with one another.”

Believe in God or not, take that verse to heart. If we all could follow the life of Christ there would be no hate for those around us. Why is it so hard to see that? Because the world is blind. Because the world is self-centered. Because the world is about self and do what's right and feels good for you. Take a deep look at the advertisements next time you see them. The overwhelming pull is for self. We are a society driven for self. We have self indulgence shoved down our throats in ads, tv, movies, music, and all forms of media. Do what feels right for you.

I did see an article that showed a school taking a different course of action. Instead of walking out in protest, they told the kids to be friendly to the kid no one talked to. Have lunch with the kid that always sits alone. Now while this is noble, it's also flawed. One of two things will happen with this gesture. After the hype had settled down, those kids will be back to being alone. Or they will feel as though they are a charity case that's being singled out from everyone else. Which in both cases will send them further into their darkness. So what do you do? Take it from someone that was bullied in school on numerous occasions. One of those cases came when I was in a wheelchair in high school. Not because of any handicap, just from an ATV accident. But yet I was ridiculed for it. The feeling of loneliness consumes you. I truly feel for the kids that endure this. But however I don't condone resorting to violence to resolve the issue. So how can we fix it?

A march won't do it. A new law won't change it. And as absurd as it sounds, I read an article where an elementary school is arming the kids by giving them each a bucket of rocks to throw at a intruder. This most definitely won't fix the problem. And not even the momentary change of heart in that one school to be friendly to the lonely, will fix the problem. A change of heart is not the cure; only a complete heart transplant can fix the problem. Only a change of our outlook on our fellow man will avert these tragedies. Replacing our worldly hearts with a heart of love. Love towards the kid who doesn't have friends. Love towards getting the people that need treatment for mental illness. A love that can resolve an issue without violence. We don't need more bureaucracy. We don't need more exploiting of these kids. Most of the children I saw on video were to young to truly know why they were even there. Stop pitting two sides against each other and focus on the one side that keeps being neglected.

The children and young people who desperately need love. Desperately just want to fit in somewhere. Desperately want their pain to be heard before it's too late. It's time to replace our worldly hearts of hate and indifference, to one of love and acceptance. Parents teach your children to love and be friendly to any child. Schools must pay more attention to those issues of bullying. And to those who have been ridiculed, or are still going through it: It may look like there is no light at the end of the tunnel of your despair, but from one that has suffered this tunnel before, there is a light standing right next to you; just cry out to Him, He won't forsake you.