True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Wednesday, February 15, 2017

Breaking The Chains (Addiction)

Nothing tears apart a family, a marriage, or a soul more than addiction. There are many areas a person can be addicted to, but today I am going to focus on substance abuse. Mainly alcohol because it's legal and most readily available. But above all because it has such a prominent place in scripture.

Galations 5:19-21- The acts of the flesh are obvious: sexual immorality, impurity and debauchery; idolatry, hatred, jealousy, fits of rage, selfish ambition, dissensions, factions and envy; drunkenness and the like. I warn you, as I did before, that those who live like this will not inherit the kingdom of God.

Most might be saying drinking can't be as bad as murder, or stealing, or other horrible crimes. But to God sin is sin. Those that are drunkards will not inherit the kingdom. "Well I can have a couple and I will be just fine." These are usually the words you hear before they go into a bender that causes them to blackout, or worse hurt those they love or seriously destroy their health.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24- "I have the right to do anything," you say-but not everything is beneficial. 'I have the right to do anything"-but not everything is constructive. No one should seek their own good, but the good of others.

If you honestly take a look at the list of offenses in that verse you can easily see that drunkenness usually leads to more in that list.

I read a man's testimony about his life as an alcoholic and the path that took him to his destructive demise. He was 16 when his parents divorced and this was his first introduction to alcohol. As time passed close family members and friends died young making him spiral even more out of control. Everyday life could not be sustained unless he was drinking. He considered it his anchor to staying alive. But like an anchor, his life was quickly rusting and decaying away. He constantly drank to black out and subconsciously avoid his past and his problem. He would not listen to constant pleas from his wife or daughters. No one in his family could reach him.  It got to the point of being unaware of all his surroundings, lashing out as if he was possessed, and finally ending with a massive heart attack. He then realized his problems couldn't be solved by social programs nor could he be assisted by human intervention. Self-help programs didn't help because he was self-destructive.
Only God was going to be able to save him.

People I know first hand how destructive this force is on an alcoholic. They are literally controlled by a spirit of depravity that was allowed in and has destroyed their life. This may be tough to hear but alcoholics are the greatest excuse makers in the world. They can blame their condition on everything except for the fact of taking responsibility for their actions. They are blinded to their surroundings and can't see there are plenty of anchors for their life and problems other than alcohol. Pride is the greatest stumbling block to progress.

In Mark 5 we have the story of a demon possessed man approaching Christ. There is a progression in this passage that can be summarized in three words.
1) Destruction
2) Deliverance
3) Deployment

Destruction- Jesus had just stepped off the boat from calming the storms when a deranged man comes running up to him. He was naked and being "driven by the demon." As so is the life of an alcoholic. At times there is no reasonable explanation for what they do because they are being driven by another force.
No one could restrain this man or help him. He was self destructive; with constant episodes of uncontrolled rage. Night and day he was tormented by these demons.

Just like alcoholics, he was wrecked by Satan and society could not reform him. Nothing could restrain him. His lifestyle was destroying him. In short, he was hopeless and helpless, isolated and empty, trapped and tormented, and he needed someone to deliver him.

Asking God for freedom from this one compulsive behavior, and he will show you the key to dealing with what you thought was one primary issue; and make you face all of your sinful disobedience. You can't mask one and hope the others go away. The process is not easy or quick, but it is free; because God's Grace is Free. You have to do more than turn your care of your will over to God; you have to accept the sacrifice that Jesus made as your sin  substitute. How could you turn down a free gift like absolute forgiveness and eternal life? You have to be willing to be open and honest with yourself and with God. By working through your past and not around it God will help you heal.

In verse 6 we see this man who has ran from everyone else, run straight to Jesus's feet. Even then the man could not speak for himself. The demon afraid of Christ begged to be thrown into a herd of pigs and perish; rather than face his eternal punishment. Jesus tells the demons to depart and instantly the man is made whole.

"We change when the pain of staying the same is greater than the pain of changing." Are you ready to change?
Once the man was saved he immediately wanted to follow Christ wherever he went. But Christ did not allow him. Instead he told him his path, and his mission was to go and tell of his life and his deliverance.

Deployment- Jesus doesn't force Himself on anyone. When he's invited He comes. When He's received, He responds. When He's told to go away, He leaves. Many people don't have anything against Jesus; they just want to keep Him at arms length. When Jesus knocks on the door, run quickly to let him in. Don't think He is obliged to come back again and again. We want a gentle Jesus who keeps his nose out of our business and who will take us to heaven but not interfere in the way we live on earth. We want a Jesus who builds our self-esteem and makes us happy, but we want nothing to do with the Lord from heaven who calls us to take up our cross and follow Him.

Jeremiah 29:11- "For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."

Are you going to make that choice to break your chains of bondage? Are you going to put a stop to your destructive life; and allow Christ to bring you deliverance and set you on the path he has chosen for you?

May you be Blessed with Peace and Understanding