True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A Biblical Marriage Part 1

I was going to begin a series on what it means to be a true Christian, but my mind kept being directed elsewhere. Being an introvert I usually don't take things at face value. I delve deeper into it, looking for hidden meanings or the truth to something. I also tend to dwell and overthink things. But when I really uncover the intricate plan I am completely amazed by it. So I began to think of all the multitude of situations and choices that had to be made for me to meet my wife. My wife was born in New York, me in Georgia. At six months old her parents just up and decide to go to Georgia. Unfortunately for her mother the marriage didn't work and her father left and went back to New York. Now her mother being born and living her entire life in New York didn't leave. Her whole family, everyone she knew was there but she stayed here, alone. Years go by and me and a friend are looking for someones house, and my wife happens to be outside and gives us directions. Even then I knew  there was something telling me to go back. So I returned the next day and she abruptly tells me her boyfriend lives next door; well there goes that feeling. More time passes and I am dating a girl at my church who turns out to be my wife's best friend. Her friend brings her to church one day and there's that feeling again. So my wife starts dating my best friend; feeling gone again. Are you starting to see a pattern here. Time passes and we both break up with the people we were with. At this point I don't remember whether we crossed paths again or I called but we ended up dating. After dating off and on for 10 years we got married and have been together for almost 16 years.

There are many other events and choices that weren't listed that went into us finally being married. When I sit back and ponder on all the scenarios that had to come together to bring us together I know the Father's hand was there guiding me. The choices were mine to make when we met; and believe me I made a lot of bad ones. But it's the life events that I was not even part of that had to happen to ultimately bring us together that is just mind boggling.

Mark 10:6-9
But at the beginning of creation Yahweh made them male and female. For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh. So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what Yahweh has joined together, let no one separate.

Think about that for a minute, when we find a mate we leave our old life's behind. We leave the safety of our parents to start a new life. Just like when we asked Christ into our lives and repent of our sins, we are leaving our old life behind and being re-born.

Our two bodies become one flesh. We are no longer separate entities. We have become one flesh experiencing everything in life as one. When we are born again with Christ he resides in us, becoming one with us sharing our life.

All of life's decisions now concern and effect two as one. It's no longer about self. You have vowed and attached your life to another. To continue in life as one growing in love daily.

Just as it says what Yahweh has joined together no man will separate; once Christ is with you nothing in this world will tear him away from you. This is how we should all look at our marriage, especially if the center of it is God. Nothing in this world, no person, choice, tragedy, or desire should be able to separate you from your spouse. If we live our life's thru God and treat our marriage the same, our marriage will beam with Godly love.

So when the world throws one of life's curve balls at us, our marriage will be grounded and can't be destroyed.

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My hope is that if this site helps even one life than I will have done what the Father wills me too. Quality is always better than Quantity.

UPDATE: I have been told The 100 Pack fever is catching on and someone close was passing backpacks out to the homeless near their job, in the middle of the night no less. Continued prayer for this and for all the pain and suffering going on all over. We are the Father's light in this darkness, if we don't show it, who will. Thank You