True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Is It Real Love?

I started this as a note to my wife. It's something I often did when we were dating, but the responsibilities of life always get in the way. I feel sometimes, as I'm sure many of you do, that I don't always show my love like I once did. But what is love? Is it only in the value of the things we buy or in the activities we do? Is it only in the words we say? Those three little words are meant to say much more than just a daily reminder. Or is it in the daily, sometimes meaningless sacrifices we make to just help? Many times I sit down with the aspects of writing on something specific, only to find my path directed somewhere else. And quite often where it's directed, helps me as much as it may help one of you. So I broke down that one simple word into what real love should be.

 L: Love is Life; because if we have true love for someone, our entire life will revolve around that
One we've been joined to.

O: Love is One: You are One heart, One mind, and One soul.

V: Real love is a vibrant, vulnerable, and virtuous union; where there is not a hint of vanity, viciousness, vulgarity, vile, or a vengeful tone to it.

E: It is an Eternal, Eager, Earnest, Ecstatic, and Elaborate togetherness; that Elevates each other and Eliminates any sin the other has.

This is love, true love. The type of love that was intended from creation. A love given freely to us by God. The same love we are to show to the one that has joined with you to form a new entity. The same love that we will experience one day when we are joined with Christ as one. The love we should have for one another I feel can be expressed best in this verse from Romans 5:8 But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us. Even though we were wretched sinners; even though we didn't know him or except him, Christ died for us. His love for all was so great, he laid down His life. Can we truly say we show that kind of love to those we know, or those we don't, or even those that may have hurt us? I, as well as most of you, would probably have to honestly answer no to that.

I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses. 1 Peter 4:8-Above all, love each other deeply, because love covers over a multitude of sins. You see, any other love will not suffice, because if it doesn't show these aspects, as God has shown us, then is it really love?