True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Monday, May 21, 2018

The Seven Greatest Words Spoken

While talking with a co-worker on Sunday, these seven words came up and I realized nothing else said in your life carries more importance.

We all can remember important things we yearn to hear in our lives. Whether it be: "I love you", "You're Hired", or "I'm Pregnant." But as wonderful as the words said to us in our lives, nothing compares to the seven greatest words. The seven words that will encompass your entire existence. They can either be the seven greatest words or the seven most horrific words ever spoken.

And what are the seven words of either greatness or doom? When you stand before our Creator on that Day of Judgment, one of two sayings will be pronounced. Either our Heavenly Father will say; "Welcome Home, my good and faithful servant," or "Depart from Me I never knew you." I find it even more profound that both would contain seven words. You see, the number seven is one of the most significant numbers of the Bible because it is the number of spiritual perfection. It is the number which is stamped on every work of God. It denotes spiritual perfection and completion. So whether He states, "Welcome Home", or "Depart", it will be said with His stamp of completion.

So how can I avoid hearing those horrific words? It's the easiest of decisions, but the hardest of paths. You believe and allow Christ into your heart. Then you begin on the narrow path of conforming yourself to Christ. It's a path few will take; but it's the path that leads to hearing "Welcome Home".
My father used to sing a song when I was little called The Apple Tree Song. It has a spoken part that I think really encompasses the love of our Father.

There was a Minister that had just closed a revival in a huge Midwestern city. He stepped on the train on his way home, and found himself seated beside a young man. With nothing better to do, he tried to start up a conversation, just something about the weather, just to kinda help the time as they traveled.
He noticed he didn't receive an answer, so he turned to the young man and saw the tears streaming down his cheek. He told him, "Son I'm a minister, I'll be glad to help you any way I can."The young man through his tears proceeded to tell his story.

He said, "Preacher, two years ago, I got so mean and my heart was so hardened, that my mom and dad couldn't do anything with me. I wasn't anything but a source of embarrassment to them. Things got so bad that I even went so far as to hit my father one day. He told me then, Son, I hate to do it, it's gonna break your Momma's heart, but I'm gonna have to ask you to leave. Just get away, we don't want to see you anymore. Preacher I wandered all over this country for the past two years. I've done so many unspeakable things. Then about two weeks ago, I gave my heart and life to Jesus. I told my Mom and Dad what had happened. I told them I'd be on this old train."

"I told them I was coming home." The Preacher said, "That is all well and good, but how do you know you're going to be welcomed? How do you know everything's forgiven?" He said, "Preacher, I told my Dad in the letter, that if everything was all right and they could forgive me for all the pain that I'd caused them, then hang a white rag in the top of that old apple tree. I could see it from this old train, and I'd know it would be alright for me to come home. Preacher, would you look out there and tell me what you see, I want to go home so bad. I'm so sorry for all the heartache I've caused, would you look, and see if you see one little rag in the top of that tree?"

Well, the old preacher, not knowing what to expect, not knowing the circumstances, dusted the window of that old train and looked out. He turned around with a big smile and said, "Son, you can relax. That tree is in full bloom. I've never seen so many white rags tied on anything in all my life. That's not all, because standing out there under that tree is your old mom and dad. They're wave a big white bedsheet that says "'Come On Home Son, Welcome Home."'

To this day, even now as I'm typing this; I'm brought to overwhelming tears. But you know, that's just like our Heavenly Father. No matter how far in sin we've sunk. No matter how we've wasted our lives; all we have to do is say, "Forgive me of my sin, I want to live for you." And you know, He's ready to welcome each and everyone of us Home!! Don't wait till it's to late. Being told your Welcome Home is far greater than being departed from our Father's love.