True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Friday, April 13, 2018

Can One Boy's Prayers Change The World?

Which is more powerful; an empire, or the prayers of a little boy? There was once a little English boy who ended his prayers every night with the words, "Lord, we would not forget Your ancient people, Israel. Hasten the day when Israel shall again be Your people and shall be restored to Your favor and to their land."

At the time of his prayers, the Jewish people had been living in exile from their homeland for nearly eighteen centuries. The land of Israel was in the hands of the Ottoman Turkish Empire, an Islamic power that had occupied it for nearly four centuries and had no intention of giving it back to its original owners.

But the Scriptures contained a clear promise and prophecy that God would one day bring His ancient people back to their homeland. So that's what the little boy prayed for. The First World War began, and the Ottoman Empire began to collapse. The British army under General Edmund Allenby gained the land of Israel and the Holy City of Jerusalem. The British Empire decreed that the land should again become a homeland for the Jewish people.

The little boy's prayer was answered. But what became of that little boy? He grew up and ended up in the British army. He was ultimately elevated to the rank of general; General Edmund Allenby, the man who defeated the Ottoman Empire and won the land of Israel. God fulfilled the little boy's prayer and His ancient promise through the little boy himself.

So what does that reveal? Sometimes God will answer your prayer by using you to answer it. And what about the original question? Which is more powerful; one boy's prayers, or an empire? In God's hand, the prayers of little boys are stronger than an empire. And the power of prayer, is greater than any kingdom. It not only changes lives, but history itself. The story of man is filled with such accounts with nations turning on a single prayer. And the one who prays in the will of God can end up the chosen vessel of long-waiting ancient prophecies, and the changer of world history.

What do you need to lift up to God today? Lift it up, even if it's impossible. Lift up even the course of nations and history.