True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Saturday, January 26, 2019


This is a sculpture created by Romanian artist Albert Gyorgy and is located in Geneva, Switzerland. It is called Mélancolie. Mélancolie means, longing for something past, sadness resulting from being forsaken or abandoned, sadness caused by grief or affliction, a feeling of thoughtful sadness, and an atmosphere of depression. So much pain and grief bound up in one word. I can’t imagine any other image that could make someone understand what it feels like. The quite emptiness, the void, the weight of this eternal sadness.

We've all felt the utter feeling of emptiness in our lives. Whether it comes from the loss of a loved one, a job, a home, or just the feeling of depression. We all have had the feeling of an empty hole in our soul. Something is missing. And people will fill that hole with anything that might give them a momentary feeling of relief.

We try to fill it with alcohol, drugs, pornography, adultery, food, and a host of other life debilitating things. But those things only work for a short period of time, then we're empty again. That emptiness is a longing for something in our past. It's something that was removed long ago; and it can only be filled by one thing. You may feel that you have been forsaken or abandoned. It may feel like your affliction or grief will never be healed. But in our brokenness there is something waiting there to put the pieces back together.

Broken things and broken people are the result of sin. But Yahweh sent His son to be broken so that we may be healed. That emptiness, that hole in your life that you feel; is from our separation from God. And the only way to fill that void is to allow Him to heal you. The emptiness you feel is a lie from Satan. Right now, whatever it is you're feeling, whatever it is you're going through, the Holy Spirit will fill you. Have hope and keep your head up. You are not powerless. God is working through you and in you.

Arthur Erickson is a world renowned architect. He has designed some of the most well known buildings in the world. He once said that, “Illusion is needed to disguise the emptiness within.” How very true this is in our lives. We construct all kinds alternate realities in our lives through many debilitating habits. Many destructive habits or illusions to try and fill the hole in our soul. But no matter what this emptiness stems from, there is only one solution that can truly heal us. Arthur made another quote that gives even more meaning to this. He said, “The delusion of entertainment (destructive habits) is devoid of meaning. It may amuse us for a bit, but after the initial hit we are left with the dark feeling of desolation.” Folks, only our Heavenly Father holds the power to heal the desolation and emptiness in our souls.

In your despair just know that you can trust God. You can trust God with the unknowns about your future. You can trust God to heal the hurt. You can trust God to fill the emptiness. You can trust God to illumine this darkness. You can trust God to restore joy to your life. You can trust God to supply sufficient grace and divine power for facing whatever comes. Isaiah 49:13 Shout for joy, you heavens; rejoice, you earth; burst into song, you mountains! For the Lord comforts his people and will have compassion on his afflicted ones.