True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Saturday, July 28, 2018

Our Face Reveals Our Heart

The cold dark prison cell was crowded with Romanian Christians who were determined to bring the light of Jesus into the darkness. One of these prisoners was a Jewish believer named Milan Haimovici.

One day, Milan began a discussion with another cell mate who was a great scientist but a godless man. Milan was not of the same intellectual and cultural level as the professor, but he told him about Jesus.The professor scorned him, "You are such a liar. Jesus lived two thousand years ago. How can you say that you walk and talk with him?"

Milan replied, "It is true that he died two thousand years ago, but he is also resurrected and is living even now." Then the professor challenged Milan, "Well, you say that he talks with you. What is the expression on his face?" Milan answered, "Sometimes he smiles at me."

"Such a lie," the professor laughed. "Show me how he smiles." Milan graciously conceded. He was only skin and bones, with dark circles around his eyes. He was missing teeth and was wearing a prisoner's uniform, but such a beautiful smile appeared on his lips. His dirty face shone. There was so much peace, so much contentment, and so much joy on his face. The godless professor bowed his head and admitted, "Sir you have seen Jesus."

A smile is a natural human expression of confidence, peace, and contentment. A smile during pain and suffering and even agony can give supernatural evidence of God. If Jesus Christ, God's own Son, is really living in our hearts, then some of us need to inform our faces of the good news! In church, we sometimes sing hymns like funeral dirges, our thoughts a thousand miles away from our words.

You would think that with knowing that He is alive, and that we are forgiven would provoke an instant joy in our heart. However, most of us are brought down by our daily worries, problems and tragedies. We should be smiling and glowing as we walk through our day. There is no worry, no problem, or no tragedy that should bring us down. There are three simple words to remember when our daily issues arise. And that is, "It Is Won!" The race has already been won! There is nothing that can stop you. We need to live life like it's already been conquered; because it has. Christ finished the race for us all. Now go live a life of completion and not defeat.

So what does your face reveal about your relationship with Jesus? Are you a witness to others who pass you by on the street? Do you attest to Christ's contentment in your heart? Or is your brow furrowed with worry and your lips constantly pursed? Ask God to help you be aware of your silent message and to fill you with his joy.