True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Sunday, December 31, 2017

Blessings and Thanks

A little over four years ago I was in a deep state of depression. I have a wonderful wife and family, a home, clothing, food, and all my needs met. But even though I was blessed with all this, I still had a gaping hole inside. I contemplated just ending it because then I would be home and my problem solved. It was the proverbial 'Its a Wonderful Life' moment. So laying in a hotel bed in Florida, tears streaming down my face, I cried out to the Father. "Lord you have to tell me what you want me to do." "I can't do this anymore."

I opened the bible and it was the story of Moses in the wilderness. I said, "Ok Lord you have to take me through the wilderness before you can use me." Three years passed and for the most part, nothing had changed. I had just turned forty; a number I felt held great significance. It would take a supernatural event two months later to get my attention. The Father sent a messenger to tell me I wasn't listening, and that my destiny had been written long before I was born. I was to carry on the calling of others in my family, and bring the Father's light to the darkness. To live a life of servitude and humility.

So I started a mission to help the poor. The important word there is I. Not the Father, but I. Once again I was not listening to His voice. I was doing what I thought was right and not His will. So like anything else we try to do alone without it being His will, it failed. And again I felt lost. But this time I knew I was being attacked. Satan was trying to pull me back into a state of depression, and a feeling of being unworthy so I could not complete what the Father wanted. This time he would not prevail. The Father led me to begin an online teaching ministry. After seven months there were only 10 followers on the blog.

You can probably guess what comes next. The attacks began again. I went straight to the Father and said, "I only want your will to be done. I will continue to teach if only one person is reached." My hope to have "Olsteen" numbers would not be a distraction. Three months passed and I felt a pressing to check the blog. The numbers were in the hundreds. He confirmed that all things done through him would be completed. A couple of weeks ago I ran into a old friend. He greeted me as Pastor Shane. I said I'm not a Pastor, the Father hasn't appointed me to a flock to shepherd. Well guess you can tell where this is going again.

He led me to once again check the blog. This time not to just show the greatness of His work, but to correct the statement I had made to my friend. As of yesterday, the Father's word is now reaching 20 countries. Praise God! Over 5,000 people now follow the blog. There are no limits to what He can do; even through an introvert with public speaking issues. The second largest country of followers is the Ukraine, and especially Crimea which has a large population of Muslims. Praise God! From Ukraine to countries in South America, Europe, Philippines, Vietnam, Korea, India, and more. The Father is bringing His light to some of the darkest places in this world.

Thank you for all that have supported this ministry. Please continue to share it with all you can. You never know when you share, that a friend of a friend of a friend in another country may see it and share it with others.
May You Be Blessed with Peace and Understanding 

Job 42:2 “I know that you can do all things, and that no purpose of yours can be thwarted.

Luke 18:27 But he said, “What is impossible with man is possible with God.”

Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through him who strengthens me.