This is something that bugs me on a daily basis. Sometimes multiple times a day. "Oh they look a certain way so they must be those kind of people". Or "He doesn't smile 24/7 and talk to everyone that walks past so they must be antisocial and have an attitude."
The only mold we have in common is the human race. That is how we were created, and this is how we should perceive one another. Yet I see it day in and day out.
People are quick to cry fairness and equality; but if someone doesn't fit the mold of what they think equal is, then they're just pushed to the wayside.
That lady you pass that looks all disheveled, it doesn't mean you talk about her with your friends like she's unkept. What if she just lost a child or spouse? What if she's been battling a toddler all night?
Don't assume the person that doesn't smile all the time has an attitude; he could be depressed, have social anxiety, or be going thru some things. Instead of judging others we need to love and pray for each other.
Don't ever think you have to fit some preconceived image that the world puts forth. Like I tell my son, "don't be a follower always just be you." People you come in contact with will come and go as you move thru life. Some will really get to know the real you that's all locked up from the world. Most will adopt the image the world wants and shun you for not being part of it. In the end you answer for yourself. Not for what your friends did; but for the decisions you make when they decide to follow the norm.
Romans 12:16 Live in harmony with one another. Do not be haughty, but associate with the lowly. Never be wise in your own sight.
This is a letter from a girl in college to her parents:
Dear Mom and Dad: I’m sorry to be so long in writing again, but all my writing paper was lost the night the dormitory was burned down by demonstrators. I’m out of the hospital now, and the doctor says by eyesight should be back to normal sooner or later. The wonderful boy, Bill, who rescued me from the fire kindly offered to share his little apartment with me until the dorm is rebuilt. He comes from a good family, so you won’t be too surprised when I tell you we are going to get married. In fact, you always wanted a grandchild, so you will be glad to know that you will be grandparents next month. Please disregard the above practice in English composition. There was no fire, I haven’t been in the hospital, I’m not blind. I’m not pregnant, and I don’t even have a boyfriend. But I did get a "D" in French and an "F" in chemistry, and I wanted to be sure you received this news in proper perspective. Love, Mary.
Proper perspective is a very important thing to have. Sometimes if we’re not careful we can lose focus of what’s truly important.
Ephesians 4:29 Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building others up according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen.
There are many verses on the evils of gossip and slander. I believe the reason for this is because of all sin, our speech is
Our daily lives are filled with enough stress and pain as it is. Why do so many people add the destruction of others to that pain? You may be angry with someone but don't verbally destroy them; lift them up in prayer and yourself in the process. I am tired of seeing all the pain and hate in our families and our world. People I beg you lift each other up! Pray for each other. Love each other. And for God's sake STOP THE HATE!
May You Be Blessed With Peace And Understanding