True Change Ministries

True Change Ministries

Friday, April 19, 2019

What Signifies A Good Marriage?

So often you hear people say, "We had a good ten years but we just couldn't work out our differences." Or you hear, "We loved each other at the beginning." But what characteristics signify a good or great, marriage? Is it how much either feel loved? Is it based on financial stability? Is it based on the ability to communicate well? Or is it based on a plethora of other reasons?

No it's none of these. The only word that signifies a great marriage, is Death. Just as we all repeated those vows, we promised to be united till death. Only a marriage centered on being with each other till death will survive. A marriage that has death at its center will be able to endure the times when the love doesn't seem up to par. Only with death as the center will the marriage survive the times of financial stability and financial un-stability. And I think it goes without saying, if your in a marriage that has absolute perfection in communication then sign me up for the class.

Another term for the vows we take as a couple is a covenant. We are joined in a covenant together before God when those vows are exchanged. Although your vows are merely words spoken, a covenant has a much deeper meaning. God made five covenants in the Bible. When we speak of  covenants, we are referring to instances where God has entered into an agreement with mankind that involves both promises and responsibilities for each party. All five required the blood of a sacrifice as a binding agreement. By the way, the number 5 symbolizes God's grace, goodness and favor toward humans and is mentioned 318 times in Scripture.

So the final covenant God made with mankind was the gift of His son. A covenant of salvation through the shed blood of His son, that would bestow God's ultimate grace on mankind! Amazing right! So you see, a covenant is a deeply meaningful commitment between two people. As God himself says in Matthew 19:6- "So they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore what God has joined together, let no one separate.” When we are joined in marriage before God, we are making a covenant with not just each other, but with Him as well.

We are promising to take care of each other with the same loving grace he showed humanity. In Ephesians 5:25 it says, "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her." Here again Christ shows the great importance He put on the institution of marriage. We are supposed to give up our lives for each other, just as He did for us. His commitment to humanity was sealed in death by His crucifixion. In the same way, our commitment to our spouses will be sealed with our deaths.

In the creation of man and woman as one in the sanctity of marriage; God was giving a foreshadow of His unfailing love to mankind. Marriage was meant to be a union that showed a level of love and grace that was comparable to what God showed mankind. A union so unbreakable that people would be drawn to it. It's our opportunity to show the world what the love of Christ means.

If people saw you and your spouse would they see the newest drama? Or would they see an unknown love shining through you and want to know how they can have the same love? Will you have a marriage that's good for awhile; or will you be able to stand before God and say. "We had a love unto death, just as you showed us."

May You Be Blessed With Peace And Understanding